10M USD private sale, 110M total market cap after public — RoboFi $VICS is not a joke!

1 min readJul 7, 2021


See our proof for 10M private sales:


The World’s First Decentralized Crypto Trading Bot Marketplaces

The hottest DEFI for this summer vacation

Strong Fundamental Defi BSC

Crypto trading bots Marketplace

EASY 100X, VICS to the moon!

Bloomberg, Business Insider, Yahoo, 200+ sites are telling the world about VICS

Moonshot DEFI project

Product launching, Market exploding in July

These funds are mainly used for the following:

✅ Liquidity Management

✅ Fund to Bots on RoboFi Platform

✅ Marketing

For your further questions: https://t.me/RoboFi_VICS

**Once the period to prove the authenticity of this fund is done, we will withdraw the funds from this wallet. This arrangement was made for our community to have confidence in us.***

About RoboFi $VICS

RoboFi has determined the serious need for a transparent Defi platform that is backed by enhanced security. To achieve its goal, extensive knowledgebase and technology were added as leverages in creating its current ecosystem–RoboFi.

RoboFi combines traditional fintech and blockchain technology, to provide a next-level revolutionary crypto trading bots marketplace technology that is secure and transparent

📍Network — Binance Smart Chain

📍Contract — 0x9bcab88763c33a95e73bc6dcf80fcf27a77090b2

Pancakeswap Listing




